Taylor Simon King Carteret Performing Arts & Events Center, Carteret (Middlesex County)
The lives and careers of three iconic singers, James Taylor, Carly Simon, and Carole King, have always overlapped and interlinked — and their music is unforgettable.
The new tribute show, Taylor Simon King, explores these musical icons through clever musical arrangements and a selection of carefully chosen songs.
Headlined by Lisa Sherman — with a talented band consisting of Byron Smith, Mary McCrink, Gary Oleyar, Ralph Notaro, Tommy Labella, Lance Stark, Mario Casella, Todd Sherman, and Sam Sherman.
Taylor Simon King is a towering tribute to three American troubadours. Taylor Simon King is produced by Sherman and her husband Oscar and Golden Globe winner Franke Previte, co-writer of the iconic Dirty Dancing classic, “(I’ve Had) The Time of My Life.” and “Hungry Eyes.”